Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Memories of Brant and Irene

June 8, 2012

Today my mind goes back to so many memories of these two special people.  I was pretty young when Brant met this beautiful young blond girl, who moved to Holly Grove along with her mom and dad, Mr.Harry and Mrs.Betty Young and her three sisters, you could never meet a nicer family.

Mother would get upset when Brant would be coming home from work and supper would be ready, because he always stopped to talk to Irene before coming on to the house.  They became so much in love, that never changed in the years they had together, except maybe became stronger.  Even though we were taught dancing was evil, they danced.  One of their favorite songs was Dancing Cheek to Cheek.

When they first married they lived in a little two room house that was at the edge of her parents property.  I think it had been a small store, before my time.

When the war started and Brant was drafted into the Navy, he was stationed in Chicago.  Irene would have me go along when she went, by train, to visit him.  One of the times when "Little" Brant was a baby, I went along to help with him.  We stayed at the Milner Hotel.  There was a drug store across the street, they kept sending me to get banana splits, actually I could never figure how anyone could eat so many.  Go figure!

I'm surprised I didn't get in trouble, one time when Tom was staying with us during the summer.  We were going to the movie at Gallagher.  We missed the show bus and instead of going back home, we decided to walk to the theatre.  I had a dime so we bought a pack of cigarettes and there we went just PUFFIN' away, when a car pulled up behind us and we heard a voice say "get in the car".  You should have seen us flippin' those cigarettes over the bank.  It was Brant and Irene.  They drove us to the theatre and never even asked what we were up to.

So many memories of the little house on Jacksonville Hill, with the big walnut tree and swing in the front yard.  Everyone welcome and always the best food.  I bet you remember the time we went exploring to the Indian Cave.  I think there were 12 of us, including Irene and me.  There were my kids, her kids, and Walters girls.  We walked to Hansford along the railroad track and up the mountain [seemed like a long way].  We decided to come around the mountain to get back home, not thinking there was no way back down to the RR tracks because of the high cliffs.  We were having so much fun, laughing, taking pictures and such, we didn't realize that it was getting close to dark.  Meanwhile Walter, Hector, and others had gotten worried and had called off church and were forming a search party.  We finally got to a mine path off the hill.  The folks waiting weren't too happy but were glad we were safe.

Brant and Irene were always helping others, no matter who or what the need.  When Hector was killed, they were by my side through it all.  A few days after it happened.  Irene took me aside and told me that she and Brant had talked it over and wanted me to know, if something happened to me that they would raise my children.  Words can't express how much that meant to me.

When Brant died at such a young age, what a loss to all of us.  To this day, when I hear Taps being played it takes me back to Holly Grove cemetery, and how our hearts were broken that day.  I can speak for every niece, nephew and everyone who knew them, there is nobody more special then Uncle Brant and Aunt Irene.

Irene has carried on with such dignity and grace, caring for her children and grandchildren.  I know that if Brant hasn't been looking down all these years, Irene is filling him in on all that has happened.  I hope they are DANCING!!!

Though I can't be there at this time, please know I am there in spirit, with so much love for each of you.

Aunt Lois

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