Friday, May 1, 2015

Memories of Walter and Virgie

My memories go back to when I was maybe four years old.  Walter was my big handsome brother.  He was so tall with sorta' curly black hair. Mother told me that he had named me Lois, after a friend [maybe a girl friend] obviously she was a "girl". Strange though I barely remember him calling me anything but Sis. I've heard that his health had not been good.  I heard the words TB and that he had to go away for a while until his health improved. The name Millie Meadows sticks in my mind, don't know where she fits in the picture. Sylvia always talked about his being spoiled.  That's what happens when you're young and sick. I can remember when he went to Brookwood N.Y., I think to study Public Speaking, even though I was young, he wrote letters to me and brought me a pretty ring, wish I still had them.

Virgie and her mother, Elsie Hancock, lived just a short distance from our house. Virgie had gone to college, at that time called New River State College, now West Virginia Institute of Technology, in Montgomery W.Va.  I don't know how long but she taught elementary school for a while. I remember well, tagging after Walter when he and Virgie were "courting" and I would crawl up between them on the front porch swing. I guess it was ok they didn't send my "butt" home.  I always loved being anywhere Virgie was,you might say I was a pest but she never seemed to mind.

When they slipped off and got married, her mother was very hurt and angry.  They didn't speak until after Doris was born. After that things were good between them and "Miss Elsie" loved those grandchildren.

Virgie loved having somebody comb her hair.  I didn't know for a long time that her hair was prematurely grey.  She kept it dyed black, that was kind of the fashion back then.  Anyway I loved playing around with her hair. She would let me wear her diamond rings as I worked. They lived in a little two room house next to our house. Doris was born in the front room at of our house. I'm not sure but Dr. Hansford, the same Dr who delivered most of us might have delivered her. She was a beautiful little girl with black curly hair. Walter took broom handles and two by twos and made their first baby bed. He painted it and it turned out to be very nice.  I doubt if it would pass inspection today. As she got older she would get the prettiest dolls and Walter would make a box for them with glass on the front and hang them on wall to look at. She seldom got to play with them.

I can't remember if Erajuana was next or the only little boy who only lived a very short time.  He looked like a little doll. Walter made a tiny casket and lined it with fabric to bury him in the family lot on the cemetery at Holly Grove.

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