Wednesday, June 14, 2017

What a Difference a Year Makes

That time of year is getting close, in fact June 21st is almost here, that is when we hope to be going to Charleston W.V. for our Seacrist Family Reunion. Last year I thought would be my last because of my slowing down physically but a few months ago, there I went, starting to make plans for another one that I truly believe will be my last.  I'm not feeling sorry for myself, just facing facts. The year has seemed to go by so fast but looking back so many things have happened, the saddest is losing my BEST friend, Richard after nearly 17 sweet years together.  He had not been able to go with me for the past few years but at least twice a day I always had to talk to him, even though I knew he was in good hands because his devoted daughter, Janis always came and stayed with him.   I will miss those calls this time, the way that I miss him every hour of every day.

I love seeing so many family members and friends. After all the years families have scattered to different parts of the country. Besides my five children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, I have so many nieces and nephews that I  love so very much, some that grew up with me and some that I watched grow up.  Believe me I have enough love to go around and it is returned to me. Last year we had the pleasure of seeing one nephew that we hadn't seen in a long time, sadly since that time he has passed away.

One thing for certain when you come from a large family there is a lot of joy along with a lot of tears.

I have described our little town of Holly Grove on Paint Creek that is so small and the fact that I moved from there 56 years ago, can still hold so many memories of places and things that "are no more".  The house I was born in with the outhouse still in the yard, though weather worn and empty, is still there but the well that my dad had dug  where I drew many buckets of the best cold clear water, where everybody drank from the same dipper, is no longer in use. The little one room school house, just a few yards from our house has been gone for many years, the little church on the little hill, called the church point, burned after being unused for years. The one place that will always "be" is the cemetery located just across the railroad tracks, that are no more, in the center of the town.

After all the years the memories are etched in my mind as though it was yesterday that I waded the creek, played the kids games at recess.  I was the "baby" of our family of 12 children, only 9 grew to be adults. Some were already married by the time that I can remember. 

It seems that each year the memories are more  "bitter sweet" as I go back ,and miss each one a little more. I wouldn't want to relive those times but am so glad to have had the pleasure,s o simple and uncomplicated, just lots of work, but filled with real love and caring for each other.

 I never dreamed I would live this long, I used to think 30 was old. I can still love and enjoy my "later years" family here at the Waterford.  As I once wrote, When you come to this time in life, no matter how your life has been, rich or poor, One Size Fits All.  We understand and appreciate  each other.

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